Latest guides
New to Solidity? start here! You will find all the basics to understand how to start writing smart contracts.
Are you building a web 3 app? Metamask is the most used wallet so understanding how to interact with it is a must.
Detailed tutorials about how to create web3 apps. From the smart contracts to the front-end and deployments.
January 22, 2023
In this article we'll learn what are libraries in solidity, the difference between using a library or contract inheritance, and review the most popular ones.
January 6, 2023
In this article cover error handling in Solidity using throw, revert and require see the differences in how they consume gas.
January 1, 2023
Explaining how to send blockchain transactions programatically using Ethers. This example is useful to send transactions from a backend or when you don't have a wallet and need to sign the transactions manually
September 16, 2022
In this article we explain what is the keccak256 hashing method and show some examples..
June 11, 2022
A detailed guide about how to create a button that automatically adds a blockchain to Metamask. No need to enter blockchain details manually
May 21, 2022
Here is a quick way to monitor pending transactions from a blockchain transaction pool connecting via websocket to a node.
May 16, 2022
In this article we review what are smart contract interfaces in solidity and how to use them to interact with other contracts in the blockchain.
May 11, 2022
A detailed explanation of how to obtain the balance of a contract from the contract itself and for other contracts
May 9, 2022
Explanation of different clients used in blockchain nodes and how to install GoEthereum locally to interact with a node.
April 21, 2022
In this quick tip I explain how to concatenate strings in Solidity and why it's done this way.
April 11, 2022
Here is a quick way to generate semi random numbers in Solidity without using external contracts or an oracle.
March 31, 2022
Explaining how to send blockchain transactions from a backend and understanding what Metamask does for us behind the scenes.
March 6, 2022
Quick guide explaining how to use utility methods to transform a user input into a valid amount to transfer ETH or other ERC20 tokens in your web3 app
February 10, 2022
A walktrough of Ethernaut's smart contract hacking game second level, in which you can learn about constructors.
February 1, 2022
A walktrough of Ethernaut's smart contract hacking game first level, in which you can learn about fallback functions.
January 27, 2022
An introduction to Ethernaut, a smart contract hacking game to learn solidity advanced concepts, common hacks, and vulnerabilities.
January 24, 2022
A quick article explaining a very common scenario in web3 apps: sending ETH from a user's account to a smart contract
January 11, 2022
A detailed guide about how can you detect the network that Metamask is connected to and switch to the one your web3 app uses
January 6, 2022
Third part of this guide in which I explain how to create a simple message board web3 app. In this part I explain how to deploy both the front end and the smart contract.
January 4, 2022
A step-by-step guide explaning how to deploy a smart contract to the Rinkeby Ethereum test net using Alchemy
January 2, 2022
Second part of this guide in which I explain how to create a simple message board web3 app. In this part we focus on the front end and the smart contract integration.
December 27, 2021
Step-by-step guide to create a basic smart contract project with Hardhat that reads and writes messages in a blockchain.
December 22, 2021
Another quick article with everything you need to know about how to handle dates and time in solidity smart contracts
December 20, 2021
I've created a basic template that I can use in multiple web 3.0 projects. It includes Metamask integration out of the box.
December 1, 2021
Introduction to solidity events and how to define, emit, and capture them in a web3 application
November 21, 2021
Comparing strings is something very common in programming languages but in Solidity we do it a little different.
November 17, 2021
The require conditional is very common in Solidity as it stops the exeution of a function if a condition is not true.
November 15, 2021
A detailed guide about functions visibility in Solidity explaining the difference between public and private, and internal and external
November 13, 2021
Solidity offers a range of global variables that we can access in our smart contracts.These global variables provide information about the blockchain.
November 11, 2021
A quick review of the different places where you can store variables in Solidity: storage and memory
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